Yes, any cancellation fees are determined by the property and listed in your cancellation policy. You will pay any additional costs to the property.
If you have a free cancellation booking, you won’t pay a cancellation fee. If your booking is no longer free to cancel or is non-refundable, you may incur a cancellation fee. Any cancellation fees are determined by the property. You will pay any additional costs to the property.
Cancelling a Non-Refundable booking normally incurs a charge. However, you may have the option to request free cancellation when managing your booking. This sends a request to the property, who may decide to waive your cancellation fee. It is not possible to change dates for a Non-Refundable booking, though it is possible to re-book for your desired dates if your waive fees request is successful.
Please contact the property directly if you would like to transfer the reservation to someone else.
Each property will have its own policies around this type of change to a reservation and can inform you appropriately what those policies are.
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